Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

 A lot of my friends seem to be feeling very bitter about this day. It makes me sad that they feel so strongly in the negative for a simple day honoring an unknown Saint or Saints. It's also sad that people feel they need to have a romantic love during this day. Why can't we celebrate ALL love on this day? Doesn't anyone remember Elementary school where we passed out cards and candy to every person in the class, if not because either we were told to, or didn't want to make certain people think we liked them 'in that way', but because we wanted everyone to feel loved, even if they didn't have a significant other to spend the day with. Why does this idea have to change when we get older? Why can't we just love every person in our lives and not worry about what other's may think about our relationship status. Yes this holiday is used to market jewelry and expensive foreign candies, but so is every other Holiday out there too, now. That doesn't mean we shouldn't tell our children the Nativity Story at Christmas time or dress up during Halloween. I, myself, do not have a romantic partner in which to spend this day, but I do have really good friends and an amazing family with whom I will be sharing my love.

I think I'll make heart shaped pancakes for dinner.

In other news, I got my first English test back today. 97! I rock! Although there are still more corrections that I need to do to my essay before it's up to the teacher's standards (if you want us to use a specific font let us know BEFORE we print it out woman! What is WRONG with her!?)

We have another essay we have to do as well, so, yay, I get to do two at once because the professor has a hard time telling us what she wants from us the first time around. Oh well. It's not like I'm bad at essays in the first place, so the only corrections she's giving me are on the technical things like type of heading and font and test size. Overall my essay is fine and so I should make a passing grade in this class.

Then I will NEVER take a class with her again! Like I said before, she's a nice lady, but boy does she suck as a teacher.

Art progress: Not much. I do have seven pages of the first chapter of my comic roughed out. I just need to outline what I want to happen in the overall chapter, then rough and flesh the pages out, and then I can start posting as each one gets done. Here's praying that I don't get artists' block in the mean time.

To any of you out there reading this that finds Valentine's Day to be tough, don't let it get to you. Even if there are no romantic relationships in you life right now, don't let the other relationships suffer for it. You are a special and beautiful person and there is love out there for you. For now, let your friends and family be your love.

Until next time!


  1. I never said I didn't like Valentine's Day, just the things people expect from me on this day.

  2. Hi, it's Ducky. ^^
    Yeah, in Mexico we call Valentines Day the day of love and friendship, so it celebrates all kinds of love. It would be great if everyone did that.
    Good job on the test!

  3. @Revan- Wasn't talking about you in this post. I'd already talked with you about the subject previously that day.

    @Ducky- Thanks, and yeah. It would be awesome if love didn't have to come with labels and the focus was less on romance. I would love it if someone came out with BFF charms for V-Day.
