Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey, sorry I haven't been on for a while, I had to reformat my computer and forgot my log in information. Took until just now to get the motivation to recover it. ^^; My exams went well. I got a B overall in English and an A overall in Religion. Was very good for my GPA. This semester I am taking Math (intro algebra). I was going to take my Anatomy class and Lab as well, but with how condensed summer courses are and with the company we have I decided to drop those classes for the refund.

I'm not sure I"m going to continue blogging here. I just can't get the motivation to post as much as I would like here. I'm thinking of setting up a blog on tumblr. If nothing else I'd have a lot more motivation to sign in there because a lot of my favorite artists from have blogs there and post images there frequently that don't usually make it to their dA accounts.

But, befofre I make the decision, I'm going to make a tumblr and see how it feels. Let you know what I think.