Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.

So, for those of you who don't know (you know, if there are more than the two people reading this that I know of) Renaissance Festival has started for me. This means that I spend almost eight hours a day on and off dancing or singing (for free.)

Yesterday we danced a maypole every hour on the hour (me and my ensemble. We're the peasant dancers) and sang a few songs. We got pleanty of compliments from many people and loads of pictures taken.

Today, about a little over halfway through the day, I get this funny feeling in my nose and it seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place it until right before my nose starts bleeding. Because of allergies I'm prone to spontaneous nose bleeds in dry weather, which it is all the time out at fair. Granted it hadn't happened since sixth grade so I was a little shocked, but I was able to get leaned forward with my hand out before I was actually bleeding to prevent getting any blood on my costume.

One of the girls in my ensemble walked with me back to the break room where I'm able to sit down. My nose had stopped bleeding by the time I got there, but it was nice to have a breather. A few minutes pass when an entire ensemble walk into the break room one after the other, asking me if I'm alright. The concern was touching, and I was then informed by my apprentice director that he'd called the medical staff that works on site and they were coming back to the break room to check on me.

Apparently my ensemble made a big deal out of my little dirt induced nose bleed, that my AD then made a big deal out of it to first aide, and first aide brought a pack of 200 gauzes for my nose.

It really made me feel good to know that I have a family in them that shows that much concern.

Later that day as our energy starts to dwindle and my mood has sunk again, just from how tired I am, another cast memeber, who's character is Lucky the Brewmaster, is making a joke to a patron, who keeps on walking by, not noticing. I didn't realize until just after that joke how misserable I was, and as the joke sinks in I start to laugh. Then I can't stop laughing. My face and stomach hurts from the laughter and I'm panting as I try to explain to another cast member why I was laughing so hard. The joke was so simple, and while it deserved parise there was no reason for my uncontrolable laughter other than it's exactly what I needed. That laugh, which left me almost uable to breath, allowed me to continue on the day in good spirits.

I apologize for the spelling and grammer errors in this post, as I'm much too tired to fix them. Perhaps I'll go back over it, but not likely. Just remmeber, we all need a bout of uncontrolable laughter once in a while. Don't waste your chance to really turn your day around.

Edited because part of this entry was written out of anger and that's all taken care of now. 

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